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Meet Travis Mcleod


Brisbane based PainPod Ambassador, Travis Mcleod is full of energy and many diverse passions. After performing around Australia in the music industry as an Australian Hip Hop Artist, ‘4FingerDiscount’, Travis stepped back to focus on running his painting and clothing apparel businesses. Also thrown into the mix, Travis enjoys spending his spare time CrossFit training and dirt bike riding.

Travis first started using the PainPod about 3-4 years ago as part of his CrossFit training program to help with the rehabilitation of his shoulder after having damaged it over the years. He still uses it to this day for pre-training to warm up the body, during training to increase muscle performance and post-training for a speedy recovery so he can always perform at his absolute best. Although, sports recovery and performance isn't the only thing Travis uses his PainPod for.


He says, "I love the PainPod! I use it when I’m working and even when I’m relaxing on the couch at night. As my job is very physical, I use the PainPod M to get me through the day. Painting ceilings puts a lot of pressure on my neck and lower back so I use the M on my neck while I work. When using the PainPod M I can work at my best. Without it, I am guaranteed to have a sore neck and headache by lunch. Another little sneaky bonus of the PainPod is, if I miss a workout I can use the PainPod to stimulate my muscles, keeping my body in maintenance."


Prior to finding the PainPod, Travis was told he may need to have multiple surgeries. Now, with years of reaping it's benefits, he has not had to resort to surgery and is able to continue a physically demanding job and CrossFit training to his full potential. By leading the way for a healthy lifestyle, Travis encourages all to, "Be the best version of yourself. A little consistent effort equals great rewards."

You can follow Travis on his adventures on Instagram: